Creating audio products, Internet Marketing, Paul's Tips

3 Steps To Success

March 23, 2023

Last week I sent out an email to a small number of people on my list.

Essentially it was just some thoughts I wanted to share about how you can create a product to sell online, whether it's audio, video or whatever.

Well, after the email went out, I got a HUGE amount of feedback from people saying things like:

"This really is great content, thank you!"

"Great email Paul, thanks for sending it."

"Inspiring stuff, keep it coming."

So I figured I should perhaps share it with a wider audience here on my blog. 

You'll find the email - in it's entirety - below, but if you have any comments then please feel free to leave them at the bottom of this page.

Here's the email:

To: Paul's Email List
Subject: Simple & effective (could you do this?)

Hi there,

Today I wanted to share something with you that won't cost you a penny, yet might help you towards your goal of making money online.

As you might already know, I believe that having your own product is the best way for you to generate an online income.

There are a hundred reasons why I think that, but the main one is because you get to set the price and control where it's sold.

But I know a lot of people are put off creating a product because it takes so long.

That used to be true, but recently something changed in the world of Internet Marketing and I want to show how you can take full advantage of it.

Do you remember a few years ago when the internet was awash with 'big ticket' items?

These were usually things like "Home Study Courses" that included 4 HUGE manuals, 27 DVDs, 14 CDs and so on.

They were sold via long, in-depth sales letters that promised you 'life changing results' if you read, watched & listened to all the trainings. (Those things really must have taken MONTHS to create).

The problem was that people who bought them didn't have enough time to consume all the training because... there was too much of it! :-)

These days it's even WORSE because people have more distractions than ever. They have smartphones, tablet computers and hundreds of TV channels at their finger-tips.

So now it's VERY unlikely they would even consider buying one of these massive home study courses because their lives are simply too busy.

And if you're a product creator, that's actually a good thing.

You see, in today's world people want 'instant solutions' to the problems they are facing, instead of having to wade through an all-encompassing 'A to Z Guide'.

That means if you can create a simple product that specifically targets a person's immediate need, it is now much more likely to succeed than ever before.

A 'one problem, one solution' type product is also far easier for you to create and, crucially, far easier for you to sell.

Let me explain...

Think about the most memorable marketing campaigns of recent times.

Companies like Apple and Google have embraced a 'less is more' style approach in their advertising.

Everything they do is communicated in a simple yet effective way.

As a result, they are seeing their market share increase.


Because "simple" works... a concise message is clearer & easier to understand.

That's exactly why these days you don't need to make a big 'all-singing, all-dancing' type product in order to make money online.

You just need to follow 3 key points and, above all, to keep your product and your offer simple.

1. Create a simple product with one intended purpose.
For example, if you are in the photography niche, you could put together a collection of 50 images and offer to sell them at an affordable price.

2. Use simple sales copy to sell your product.
Those 50 images could be marketed simply on your website by saying "I've created these beautiful images that you can use royalty-free on your blog, download them here." and just put some small thumb-nail size images of the 50 photos (with a buy now button).

3. Drive traffic using simple methods.
Visit a few photography forums and let people know about your "50 images for $10" offer.

The best thing about this strategy is?

It's simple and you can do it quickly and easily (even in your spare time).

Oh and by doing so, not only will you make sales, but you'll also be creating your own list of clients/customers at the same time.

So it's a double-win strategy.

This 'simple approach' works whether you are creating/selling audio, video, images, PDFs, whatever.

The bottom line is... don't over complicate things.

You don't need to write 'War & Peace'. :-)

Just follow my simple basic plan and you too can create your own online income stream quickly & easily.

Kind regards,  Paul

PS. If you are interested in creating your own products but don't want to invest a fortune in software & services, then it's worth taking a look at my Zero Cost Method. This shows how you can make your own products (and also where you can sell them once they're made).

  • Steve Taylor February 27, 2014 at 10:48 am

    Morning Paul.
    Been following for a while now and I have “The Zero Cost method” too which I love. There is so much that can be done for FREE………… only if you know!
    You are so right about this. I have bought in the past a couple or three of these big information products from different Gurus promising the millions we all desire (actually £500,000 would do me!). Masses of DVD’s, big thick training manuals of which they only write on one side of the page and the font is 18 pitch! So exciting…. then you start trying to read and DO the work. Hour after hour. Then you find a hurdle (and there are many) that you just can’t seem to sort, and guess what it’s not in the video or the manual. No problem you think, I’ll contact the help desk….. that’s where it all falls over…. they are either useless or they don’t come back to you!!!

    Having your own product is the way to go. But as you say it has to be simple and easy to either learn or implement.

    So as your blog says KISS (Keep It Super Simple)


    • paul February 27, 2014 at 11:28 am

      Thanks for your comment and warm words Steve.

      I really like your mantra of ‘keeping it simple and actually doing it’.

      Sadly there are many people take the ‘making it complicated and therefore never completing it’ approach.

      Good luck with creating your own products Steve.


  • Gil February 28, 2014 at 3:05 pm

    Hi Paul,

    As usual you over-deliver with whatever you do. Good, straightforward,

    no fluff, easily understood and extremely useful.

    Keep it up.

    • paul February 28, 2014 at 3:13 pm

      Thank you Gil.

      I’m absolutely delighted to see you visiting and commenting on the blog. :) I appreciate it very much.

      Hope you’re well,
