Browsing Category: Creating audio products

  • The 5 Biggest Audio Creation Myths

    How do you start making audio products? Well first, lets dispel the 5 biggest myths. Myth #1. You Need Lots of Equipment 10 years ago you would’ve probably needed a degree in audio science if you wanted to create professional quality audio products at home. But these days you can easily produce professional quality content with just …

  • How To Make Money By Talking

    It’s funny how some questions keep coming up over and over again and recently I’ve had a few people ask me “is it really possible to make money just by talking?” So, let me start off by asking you a couple of questions. Do you enjoy speaking and explaining things? Do you have a topic you’re …

  • Is It Worthwhile Creating A Podcast?

    I’ve been working in “audio” for a long time now, both as a radio presenter & audio creator, and I’d have to say that one of the questions I get asked most is: “Is it worthwhile creating my own podcast?” If audio products are something you like (or want) to create then it’s definitely worth …

  • Getting The Best Out Of Your Interviews

    A popular business model for breaking into any niche is to conduct interviews with the movers and shakers of your niche. By doing so not only are you creating great content, but also making potentially profitable connections and making yourself an expert by association. But do you know what’s even better than conducting an interview by phone …

  • First Steps To Making Money Online

    There are literally thousands of courses you can buy that will tell you how to make money online. But really there is only one method… sell something to someone. That’s it! That’s the gods-honest secret to making money online. And once you know that ‘secret’, it’s just a matter of deciding what you’re going to …

  • Creating Audio Products Instead Of Video – Part 1

    You might think I’m crazy to suggest that you make audio products instead of creating video. It’s a fair point especially when you consider that video is everywhere right now and it’s a real force to be reckoned with. Its popularity – particularly with Internet Marketers – is huge and pretty much anyone who’s anyone …