Browsing Category: Internet Marketing

  • 7 Steps To Creating Your First Audio Product

    In this article I’m going to explain how it’s possible to create a profitable product that not only has a high perceived value but is almost guaranteed to bring its own traffic and sales. So let’s talk… Audio Interviews. These are a great shortcut when you’re first starting out, as you can play the part of the interviewer …

  • How To Make Money With Your Voice

    How To Make Money With Your Voice

    If you wanted to make money online but didn’t want to set up a website or invest any money in fancy software or equipment, would you do it? What if I told you that it was possible to make money using just your voice?Well, it’s true and there are thousands of people ‘out there’ who are …

  • You Should Make Audio Products

    The power of the spoken word is seriously under-rated. By using words & sounds you can truly paint pictures in people’s minds. For example, have you ever heard an advert on the radio for a travel agency? They’ll usually have a nice calm voice telling you about their great holiday offers and they’ll use sound-effects …

  • Creating Your Product… Despite The Competiton

    You know when you’ve got a DYNAMITE idea for a new product and you can’t wait to get started on it – or maybe you already have. Then you see that someone else has beaten you to the punch and released a very similar product just last week. Well, that happened to me. Decisions Decisions …

  • First Steps To Making Money Online

    There are literally thousands of courses you can buy that will tell you how to make money online. But really there is only one method… sell something to someone. That’s it! That’s the gods-honest secret to making money online. And once you know that ‘secret’, it’s just a matter of deciding what you’re going to …

  • 3 Steps To Success

    Last week I sent out an email to a small number of people on my list.Essentially it was just some thoughts I wanted to share about how you can create a product to sell online, whether it’s audio, video or whatever.Well, after the email went out, I got a HUGE amount of feedback from people …