Browsing Category: Paul’s Tips

  • How To Get Royalty Free Music From YouTube

    Ever wished there was an easier way to find a great backing track to use in your podcast or a piece of royalty-free music in your latest video? I know I have. It can be a time consuming experience trying to find something that’s suitable and matches the content you’re working on. Click Click Click …

  • The 5 Biggest Audio Creation Myths

    How do you start making audio products? Well first, lets dispel the 5 biggest myths. Myth #1. You Need Lots of Equipment 10 years ago you would’ve probably needed a degree in audio science if you wanted to create professional quality audio products at home. But these days you can easily produce professional quality content with just …

  • How To Make Money By Talking

    It’s funny how some questions keep coming up over and over again and recently I’ve had a few people ask me “is it really possible to make money just by talking?” So, let me start off by asking you a couple of questions. Do you enjoy speaking and explaining things? Do you have a topic you’re …

  • First Steps To Making Money Online

    There are literally thousands of courses you can buy that will tell you how to make money online. But really there is only one method… sell something to someone. That’s it! That’s the gods-honest secret to making money online. And once you know that ‘secret’, it’s just a matter of deciding what you’re going to …

  • Dive In To Your Own Online Business

    Dive In! To Your Own Online Business

    The summer holidays are upon us… And this could be the PERFECT time for you to decide to make a REAL go of your online business. Just think… as you relax by the pool – or at the bar – you can start planning how you’d like your ‘ideal day’ to look. Would it mean …

  • 3 Steps To Success

    Last week I sent out an email to a small number of people on my list.Essentially it was just some thoughts I wanted to share about how you can create a product to sell online, whether it’s audio, video or whatever.Well, after the email went out, I got a HUGE amount of feedback from people …