Thanks again for signing up and welcome to my audio course. 
On this page you will find the first module of the course.
Module 1 is an exclusive audio presentation that I recorded as a hand-out (on CD) at a recent Internet Marketing event.
The reason I am including it as the first module is because it’s a perfect example of the kind of audio products you will be able to create yourself as you progress through this course.
How To Make Great-Sounding Audio Products is a 25-minute audio program that covers the following:
- Why Audio Is Better Than Video
- Utilising 100% Free Audio Software
- Choosing The Right Equipment
- Why A Microphone Isn’t Necessary
- Cost-Effective Sound-Proofing Techniques
- How To Record An Interview Using Skype
Click play on the player above and I hope you enjoy listening.
I’ll send you Module 2 in a couple of days time, so please keep an eye out for my next email.
In the meantime, click here to check out the rest of my website.
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